Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pretty Necklace Giveaway

To celebrate my 100th post and over 50 followers I am giving away this pretty necklace & beautiful coordinating chain. The pendant was handmade by the mother-daughter design team at Pendant Pretty. I love their beautiful designs and amazing craftsmanship. Did you know they make custom jewelry too? I ordered a necklace for a friend with a photo on it. Next I will put in another order for silhouettes of my little guys.

What custom designed necklace would you create? Just answer this question in a comment to be entered into the giveaway. For up to two additional entries, spread the news (on your blog, facebook, twitter...) or become a follower of this blog (if you're already a follower leave a comment to let me know) or follow the Pendant Pretty blog. Just leave a comment for each one. The winner will be announced this Saturday.


  1. I would love a silhouette of my kiddo's. Or even a picture they had drawn.

  2. Because I am so into sewing right now, I would probably design something with a sewing machine on it!

  3. I am a follower of your blog too!

  4. I would like to do a generation picture of me, my mom, and my girls

  5. I'd probably design something in damask...probably similar to the one you are giving away!

  6. I would like one of my kiddles. I heard about your blog from my friend you talked to at the blessing. I love it...wish I would have known about it sooner!


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